
Microsoft Word - dis-exists group show curatorial statement.docx


An Official MOPLA Exhibition
Curated by Ara Oshagan and Hans-Peter Thomas
Downtown Photoroom
April 15 – May 15, 2016

dis/exists is an official MOPLA group show that brings together photographers from diverse starting points but finds a certain connective fabric in their work: seemingly contradictory attitudes towards the world which co-exist on overlapping perspective planes.

Some of the work in dis/exists posit a distant scientific approach but simultaneously undermine their objectivity; others are in full pursuit of pure beauty but in such analytical fashion that they seem almost otherwordly; a few series of images do not seem to believe in the existence of the image without an intervention from the outside; and others only see the world through the image which reveals it.

The bonds that hold the works in dis/exists together are a bit elusive but simultaneously obvious: an attitude of curiosity towards life and, despite all its flaws, an insistence on the image for the affirmation of our existence.

Participating artists: Aline Smithson, Andrew Hall, Christian Hendricks, Cristina Fontsare, DM Witman, Harry Vorperian, Jacopo Paglione, Jill Hannes, Levon Parian, Lior Gal, Lisette Schaeffler, Markku Lahdesmaki, Nicola Goode, Tristan Cai.

Photos by Lior Gal (left) and Aline Smithson

1933 S. Broadway, Suite 1242
Los Angeles, CA, 90007
(323) 599-970

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